Do you find yourself anxious, nervous or worried? In the world today, there's much to worry about. Finances, our family, children, the war, our health, realtionships...I could go on and on.
Whatever your worry is, you need to find peace of mind. Meaning letting go of these anxious feelings. It maybe easier said than done, but honestly, if we can't truly control a situation, we need to let go. We're anxious because we want things to be different than they are. We need to accept what we can't control.
Who ever said life was going to be easy? Life doesn't hand us what we want either, but we do have control over our emotions and our actions.
From whatever reason we are anxious or worried about, we will learn and grow from the situation. We all have that inner strength to turn it into something good. Don't see yourself as the victim...poor me. See yourself as a strong person and able to trust in yourself. Keep negativity out of the situation by reminding yourself that 'whatever happens, you can handle it'. It brings to mind a saying I have heard many times...God doesn't hand us more than our shoulders can handle. Boy, at times my shoulders had to handle alot, but I handled it and got through the situations.
That could also be one of your affirmations if you are feeling anxious about something. Trust in yourself and really believe you CAN handle any situation. IF you truly believe, then you WILL handle it.
I know I sometimes think 'what if", but I quickly decide...ok, what if this happens or that happens....I can handle it. When I do that, I don't find myself dwelling on something or getting all crazy about it.
When difficult things surround you, keep your affirmation...you can handle it... and make that a part of your thinking. Keeping positive creates positive actions and that in turn will increase your self esteem and you will start to feel different. Inner strength and power emerge.
Bad and unfortunate things do happen, the outside world is not perfect, but we can't control what the universe holds for any of us. Don't dwell on things you can't control. Your life will have meaning if you take time to see the beauty and wonderment, enjoy the simple things, be thankful for the blessings in your life.
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