Sunday, November 16, 2008

Need A Little Motivation?

If you are like me, at times it seems hard to stay motivated. I try not to focus on the lack of motivation because I do realize it is common to get in a 'lull' sometimes. When I find myself needing to get back on track, I keep my spirits up during the temporary feeling.

My decision to live a healthier life was one goal I set for myself. Sure, in the beginning the motivation is quite high but then sometimes I find myself being a bit lax.

One thing I wanted to do was start exercising more and that included I walk about five miles each week. I needed to set a smart goal for myself. I wanted to make sure my goal was realistic and attainable for myself. Just thinking about when would I get in a mile each day, had me cringe. It seems life keeps us so busy...BUT, I found if I set a specfic time each day and walked for only 20 minutes...I was walking a mile each day and that equaled my goal of adding 5 miles of walking each week!

If you find yourself feeling less motivated about something, first know that you are not alone. Many of us feel that way sometimes. Realize it is only a temporary feeling.

Set yourself a smart, realistic goal to get yourself back on track.Make sure your goal is something attainable and not too far from your reach. Keep your spirits up and keep positive even when you just don't feel like it.


Anonymous said...

You have expressed what I feel - do things in small bites. I started walking for just a few minutes a day and now do 30 minutes. And I do it as soon as I get up in the morning before I get involved with doing anything else which would sidetrack me. Once I turn on the computer, all is lost LOL!

Rebecca said...

Motivation can be hard, especially this time of year, when the skies turn grey, the temps drop, and bodies feel achy. Keep up the good work! That's a great goal for yourself...Lord only knows how many times I make excuses in a given week ;)

AC Associates said...

Hi Jan,
Thanks so much for visiting. That's great that you can get your exercising done in the morning. I wish I can do that...I've tried, but it doesn't last long. Like you, doing things in small bites seems to work best along with setting realistic goals, so I don't set myself up for failures.

Hello Rebecca,
I agree, sometimes motivation can be hard, but the excuses can be easy :0) I'm not a winter person, so this time of year, my energy isn't as high as in spring/summer. I'm one that needs the sunlight.
As I said in my previous comment, taking small steps to succeed works best for me. Try it, it might work for you too.

Anonymous said...

I used to set lofty goals, fail and then get completely discouraged. Now I set smaller goals, realize them, feel better and built on that. Starting small keeps you motivated.

AC Associates said...

Hello Health Nut,
You hit the nail right on the head.
Starting small is a help and we need to set realistic goals for ourselves. We don't want to set ourselves up for failure. But, it is important to Never Give Up!
