Friday, April 24, 2009

Delcuttering Your Home, Your Life and Your Chakras

I have posted on my other blogs how important it is to declutter your life and your home. Spring is the perfect time to do this. A time when energy is renewed, life blossoms. De-cluttering will bring about a more healthier you and a healthier environment.

You can see obvious clutter in your home if you just walk from room to room, but did you know this clutter causes your Chakras to be cluttered or blocked? Take a tour of your home,so you can see which area needs to be decluttered.

Below you will see which area of your home is associated with your Chakras

· Crown Chakra: Attic, Roof
· Brow Chakra: Den, Home Office, Windows
· Throat Chakra: Living Room, Family Room
· Heart Chakra: Kitchen, Dining Areas
· Solar Plexus Chakra: Bathrooms, Personal Spaces
· Sacral Chakra: Master Bedroom
· Root Chakra: Basement, Crawl Spaces
· Aura: Porches, Decks, Landscaping, Garages

Get cleaning and organize each room of your house. Have your family members participate. Even children should have some responsibility of chores. Focus on one room at a time and do not proceed to the next room until you are completely finished with the cleaning, are organized and of course de-cluttered.

Since the kitchen is considered the heart of the home, this may be the first room to start de-cluttering. This is also the ‘heart’ chakra as well. Start with what is in sight by washing (or dusting) what is on the counters, table, appliances, sink, stove top etc…then go inside the cabinets. Throw out all expired products. Reorganize the goods you have left. Clean your oven, refrigerator, light fixtures and lastly, wash the walls, floors and curtains. Ahhhh, all done and your heart chakra will thank you.

Read some tips about de-cluttering your life at my blog by going HERE

One you have decluttered your life and home, you may want to enhance this pleasant feeling by reading Eric Maisel's book entitled Ten Zen Seconds: Twelve Incantations for Purpose, Power, and Calm
He teaches breath awareness to help you balance and align your chakra energy system. Using the incantations below, you will feel centered and balanced. Repeat each of the twelve incantation ten times. Inhale deeply 5 seconds and then exhale slowly for 5 seconds.

· (My energy)(is free of blockages)
· (My root chakra)(is deeply grounded)
· (My sacral chakra juices)(are creative and bold)
· (My solar plexus)(feels mellow and calm)
· (My heart)(is filled with love)
· (My throat)(speaks the truth)
· (My third eye)(intuits inner knowledge)
· (My crown chakra)(projects inspiration)
· (My chakras)(are spinning in alignment)
· (My aura)(is colorful and clutter-free)
· (My lightbody)(beams brightly)
· (I am)(centered and balanced)

Ten Zen Seconds written by Eric Maisel


Susan Blake said...

Thanks so much for making the zen connection for me - I have been on a de-cluttering rampage for a year (yeah, too much stuff, this is taking forever) but I never put this together with chakras - duh. I have that book - guess I need to find it! ha!

AC Associates said...

You're welcome. I guess we go on with our day...our lives...never connecting certain aspects to another. But, everything in our life... is connected.
luckily, I hate any type of clutter. Everything needs to be in its place.
