Sunday, July 20, 2008

Diabetes Indicators

I was just reading on AOL Health there are 23 million people living with Diabetes in the United States. That number is astounding.

According to the American Diabetes Association, twenty four percent go undiagnosed. People can be at risk and not even realize it or maybe already suffering and not know.

There are some clues or diabetes indicators to help...

Eyebrow color: If your hair has turned gray, but your eyebrows have stayed dark. In a study conducted, 76% of men with dark brows verses 18% of gray browed men showed that the men with the dark brows had diabetes. The theory behind this is diabetes does not allow the graying process to take place

Breast Size: If you are a size D or larger at age 20, you may be up to 5 times more likely to develop diabetes. More studies and research are being conducted to be conclusive

Birth Month: 10,000 children were studied by the Centers for Disease Control and found the month you were born could play a role in the development of Type 1 Diabetes. The study found that spring babies were more likely to develop diabetes than fall babies. The reason behind this was not known, but the mother's diet and or sun exposure may be a cause.

Hearing Loss: Hearing Loss has now been linked as a diabetes complication.

Short Legs: John Hopkins University conducted a study of 3,600 men and found that men with short legs are more likely to develop Type 2 Diabetes than men with long legs. Don't confuse this with height. It's the leg to height ratio.

Slow Healing Cuts: Have you noticed a cut is not healing quickly? This could be a symptom of Type 2 Diabetes.

Tooth Loss: If you have periodontal disease or tooth loss, you could be at risk.

Hair Loss: This can affect any part of your body. Narrow blood vessels caused by the thickening of the vessel walls cause less oxygen which in turn produces symptoms of hair loss, hair thinning or even shiny skin.

Pesticide Exposure: If your job or if you are a farmer, exposure to pesticides and herbicides (long term) increase your risk to diabetes.

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